Postal Mail Services

Incoming mail for members of the department will be placed in the individual pigeon holes in the mail room (S0.01) near Reception. Visitors will generally have any mail that comes to the department put into one of several general mail pigeon holes (for A-F, G-M, N-S, T-Z or similar).

Parcels will be placed in the mail room and the recipient notified via email that it is there to collect.

Should large volumes of post and parcels accumulate while a staff member is away from the department they will be held in the mail room as long as practicable and then moved to the staff members office.

Outgoing departmental mail will be collected from Reception each day and go out via the ROQ mail service. Internal and external outgoing mail trays are located in the mail room.

University messenger mail will be delivered/collected mornings & afternoons. Pickup times are typically 9am and 2pm, Monday through Friday, excluding Bank Holidays and fixed University holidays.

Outgoing external mail is collected at the same time as messenger mail. Incoming Royal Mail is delivered once per day in late morning.

Last updated on 2 Apr 2022, 9:54pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.