Every office, meeting and teaching room has a phone. Under no circumstances move handsets between rooms. The phone number is tied to the handset and all phones are registered in the asset database with a specific location.
What is my number
The last 5 digits of the phone number are shown on the display of the phone. This 5 digit number is all you need to dial to call an internal number from an internal phone. To construct the 6 digit number needed to call from outside the university you either add a 6 (if the 5 digit number begins with a 1) or a 2 (if the 5 digit number begins with a 7 or an 8). The dialling code for those dialing from within the UK but outside Oxford is 01865.
Chorus Unify VOIP Phone System
Handsets throughout the building are the Unify 35G model which has the usual standard features including speaker phone/hands free operation.
To setup voicemail you need to set up your voicemail PIN first and then call the voicemail service by lifting the handset and pressing the Messages button.
- Main Chorus support documentation
- Chorus OpenScape password resetting
- Chorus voicemail password/pin resetting
- Chorus deskphone information (handsets in the building are the Unify 35G)
The need to send or receive faxes these days should be very very rare. There is no physical fax machine in the building.
The university closed its Fax to Email service in June 2023.