Whitehead Library Committee

The committee consists of:
I. Whitehead Librarian, Chair, ex officio;
II. Librarian, ex officio;
III. Three members of the Department’s academic staff
IV. Graduate student representative

The members are appointed by the Department Committee to represent, as far as possible, the different research interests of the department. The committee advises on matters of library policy as necessary and advises on book purchases and journal subscriptions. Elected members serve for a period of three years which can be renewed by approval of the Department Committee.
Secretariat: Librarian
The committee meets once a year in Trinity term and reports to Department Committee.


Whitehead Librarian Professor Emmanuel Breuillard (MT2023)MT2026
LibrarianMs Cathy Hunt (secretariat) 
Departmental MembersProfessor Yuji Nakatsukasa (MT2020, MT2023) MT2026
 Professor Andrew Dancer (MT2024)MT2027
 Professor Blank Horvath (MT2024)MT2027
Graduate RepresentativeJackson Hebner (MT2024)MT2025
Last updated on 6 Nov 2024, 1:50pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.